„The Art of Seeing” Contest - 10 000 PLN in prizes!

The Nicolaus Copernicus University SPIE chapter and Nicolaus Copernicus University OSA Chapter would like to invite everyone to participate in national contest to design optical tools supporting education and development for partially sighted children. The idea is to complete a cheap set of optical toys for visual stimulation and teaching aids that can be used in preschools and schools.
Its objective is to draw attention to problems faced by partially sighted children, such as the lack of simple and inexpensive devices to stimulate visual concentration through the change of light intensity or color. It is important in the rehabilitation of partially blind children, as it teaches them perceptiveness, concentration and visual and physical co-ordination.

Enter the open contest. 

10 000 PLN in prizes.

Participants must submit their designs by July 31, 2011. There is no entry fee. Complete information is available on the web: