Optical monitoring of gas supply systems in metropolitan area


  • Andrzej W. Domański Warsaw Univ. of Technology
  • Marek W. Sierakowski Warsaw Univ. of Technology
  • Tomasz R. Woliński Warsaw Univ. of Technology




A novel fiber optic sensor system to monitor the gas pipeline network designed for PGNiG, Polish oil and gas exploration and production company is presented. The system is based on standard telecommunication fibers and devices, except for user-oriented and specially designed intensity-based optical sensors that utilize fiber macro- and microbending effects. Laboratory tests showed that the system is simple, easy to install, reliable, and fulfils the user requirements.

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How to Cite

A. W. Domański, M. W. Sierakowski, and T. R. Woliński, “Optical monitoring of gas supply systems in metropolitan area”, Photonics Lett. Pol., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. pp. 125–127, Sep. 2011.


