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PKO 2022

The Optics Section of the Polish Physical Society (PTF) invites You to the 6th edition of the Polish Optical Conference (PKO).
The Polish Optical Conference aims to integrate the community of Polish opticians. It creates a platform for meeting and exchanging views for a broad group of people who value the development of Polish scientific and engineering thought and didactics in optics. The conference combines a high scientific level with a broad spectrum of topics to represent the whole of Polish optics. Carefully selected presentations from invited lectures create a unique opportunity for young scientists to get acquainted with research topics conducted in other centers in Poland.

Płock, Poland

I3S 2022

9th International Symposium on Sensor Science

This international conference, supported by the Photonics Society of Poland, Warsaw University of Technology as well MDPI Sensors, will bring together scientists from different areas to discuss important recent developments in sensor technology. It will represent a great opportunity for an in-person meeting of an interdisciplinary community aiming to discuss important breakthroughs in sensor technology and its related fields.

Warsaw, Poland

PSC 22

22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics

The Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conferences provide a forum for presenting newest research results and exchange of knowledge and ideas within the academic and industrial communities of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The conferences are organized biannually in turn in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic.

Wojanów, Poland

IOS 2022


The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.

(28-02) - (04-03) - 2022

Szczyrk, Poland

CLC 2021

XXIII Conference on Liquid Crystals
Chemistry, Physics and Applications
18 – 22 October, 2021
Karpacz, POLAND
You can find more at

ZEISS International Day of Light

This year’s International Day of Light is on Sunday, May 16. UNESCO instituted this annual, global initiative in 2018 to raise awareness about light-based technologies in science, high-tech, art and culture, as well as the critical role that these technologies play in people's daily lives.

This year marks the first time we're celebrating International Day of Light at ZEISS. We organized a free virtual event including series of scientific talks from various ZEISS experts aligned with the spectrum of light. These presentations are designed for a broad audience and will offer fascinating insights into the intersection of light and optical technologies from the ZEISS portfolio.

Event Information:
Event Date/Time: Sunday, May 16th from 8am - 12pm PCT (5pm – 9pm MESZ/CEST)
Program: Please find the complete program on the ZEISS International Day of Light webpage.

OLC 2021

Optics of Liquid Crystals 2021
OLC2021 will be held as a hybrid conference 26-09-2021 - 01-10-2021
Okinawa, Japan
You can find more at

Walne Zgromadzenie PSF 2020

Szanowni Państwo,

Serdecznie zapraszam na Walne Zgromadzenie Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Fotonicznego, które  w tym roku odbędzie się w formie zdalnej poprzez platformę MS Teams w dniu 26 czerwca 2020 r. (piątek).  Początek Zgromadzenia o godz 11.00 w pierwszym, a o godz. 11.15 w drugim terminie. Szczegółowy link  zostanie przesłany w terminie późniejszym.

Istnieje ograniczona możliwość uczestniczenia osobiście w obradach Walnego Zgromadzenia w Audytorium Wydziału Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej (ul. Koszykowej 75), przy zachowaniu reżimu sanitarnego. Członkowie pragnący osobiście uczestniczyć w Zgromadzeniu proszeni są o wcześniejsze zgłoszenie i rejestrację.

Poniżej zamieszczam proponowany program Walnego Zgromadzenia informując jednocześnie, że doroczny raport z działalności Stowarzyszenia dostępny będzie niebawem dostępny na stronie PSP.


  1. Otwarcie Zgromadzenia i przyjęcie porządku obrad
  2. Wybór Przewodniczącego i Sekretarza Walnego Zgromadzenia
  3. Wybór Komisji Skrutacyjnej
  4. Sprawozdanie Zarządu PSP za rok 2019 (
  5. Sprawozdanie Komisji Rewizyjnej
  6. Dyskusja
  7. Podjęcie uchwał o przyjęciu obu sprawozdań (w tym sprawozdania finansowego za rok 2019) oraz udzielenie absolutorium Zarządowi za rok 2019
  8. Plan działalności Stowarzyszenia do końca kadencji
  9. Wolne wnioski
  10. Zamknięcie Zgromadzenia

Z koleżeńskim pozdrowieniem,

Tomasz Woliński,

Prezes Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Fotonicznego

i-POB 2020

Industrialization Potential of Optics in Biomedicine

The conference will be focused on developments of optical biomedical imaging techniques. The i-POB conference will include opportunities for interaction between, scientist, innovators and entrepreneurs, including education on how to successfully run projects.

Conference web site:


Warsaw, POLAND

PSC 2020

22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics

7-11 September 2020

Wojanów Palace, Poland

IOS 2020

The 15th Jubilee Conference


The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.

24-28 February 2020

Szczyrk, Poland

OFTA 2020

Conference on Optical Fibers and Their Applications is a long lasting, traditional event, organized since 1976. The purpose is summarizing the developments in the field of optical fiber technology and applications in this geographical region and worldwide. Bring together experts from different fields: academia, government laboratories, industry, telecom operators, and hardware/software vendors.

January 27-31 2020

Białowieża, Poland
