Invitation to ICT 2008 PDF Print E-mail

The biennial ICT Event is the most important forum for discussing research and public policy in information and communication technologies at European level. The Event brings together researchers and innovators, policy and business decision-makers working in the field of digital technologies.

The ICT Event is organised by the European Commission's Directorate General for the Information Society and Media and is usually hosted by the current Presidency of the European Union. More information about ICT 2008 at:  

A series of networking sessions is being organised at ICT 2008. One such networking session is NEXPRESSO A Network for Exchange and Prototype Evaluation of Photonics Components and Optical systems in the Components and Systems Category. NEXPRESSO is being organised by ACCORD. The link is:

The ACCORD Project (Advanced Components Cooperation for Optoelectronics Research and Development) has the objective to put pre-competitive photonic components and systems in the hands of researchers and students, at no net cost to the university or to the company that furnishes the prototypes and to facilitate transfer of the evaluation results to potential end-users assisting companies to access new markets and new applications. Mora inforamation about ACCORD at:

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