Spectral off-axis phase shifting in transmission optical coherence tomography





Transmission optical coherence tomography (tOCT) is gaining interest for imaging biological samples; however, so far, quantitative phase information has not been directly obtained. This study introduces SOPHAST-OCT, an approach for integrated 2D phase recovery in Off-Axis Full-Field Swept-Source tOCT. It uses phase-shifting to leverage OCT’s inherent phase changes between recorded interferograms. SOPHAST-OCT demonstrates promising phase agreement with the simulated ground truth phase. This approach represents a first step toward quantitative imaging in tOCT.

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How to Cite

M. Mazur, W. Krauze, A. Kuś, A. Piekarska, and M. Kujawińska, “Spectral off-axis phase shifting in transmission optical coherence tomography”, Photonics Lett. Pol., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 58–60, Dec. 2024.


