Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)

					View Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)

The current, 64th Photonics Letters of Poland issue (Vol. 16 No. 4) contains 9 papers related with the research activities of the Photonics technologies – one of seven Priority Research Areas identified by Warsaw University of Technology within the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program and 1 regular paper.

The idea behind the Excellence Initiative – Research University Program carried out in the years 2020-2025 was to select the best Polish universities and provide them with an opportunity to grow so that, in the future, they can be ranked among renowned universities all over the world. Priority Research Area Photonics technologies at Warsaw University of Technology has been focused on design and manufacturing of optical components and novel photonic materials as well on the development of innovative technologies and measurement methods in the following areas: fiber optic photonics, laser and terahertz technologies, photonic integrated circuits, optoelectronic devices and systems, photonic sensors and metrology, multispectral image processing.

The diversity of the selected works reported in the current issue covers a significant spectrum of technology, photonic material, systems, and devices:

Mazur et al. presented the first results of applying the phase-shifting method to recover phase information in a full-field swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography system operating in transmission mode.

Budaszewski experimentally investigated birefringence of the ferroelectric liquid crystal doped with titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

Fetliński et al. investigated feasibility of average photon energy parameter as a qualitative representation of solar spectra in modelling performance of photovoltaic modules equipped with a filter capable of reflecting parasitic IR irradiance.

Cywińska et al. discussed the influence of the noise on the resultant local fringe orientation map estimated via DeepOrientation network.

The paper by Orzechowski et al. discussed blue-phase liquid crystal composites with shelled gold nanoparticles.

Dudek et al. presented the autofocusing method for lensless digital in-line holographic microscopy with misaligned illumination whereas Niedziela et al. described pixel super resolution with axial scanning in lensless digital in-line holographic microscopy.

Sobczyk et al. presented THz based non-destructive testing system for security and inspection applications whereas Kałuża et al. discussed challenges and limitations of THz phase imaging method.

Tomasz R. Woliński
Priority Research Area Photonics technologies Chair

Published: 2024-12-31
