Autofocusing method for lensless digital in-line holographic microscopy with misaligned illumination


  • Julia Dudek Warsaw University of Technology
  • Mikołaj Rogalski Warsaw University of Technology
  • Julianna Winnik Warsaw University of Technology
  • Piotr Arcab Warsaw University of Technology
  • Piotr Zdańkowski Warsaw University of Technology
  • Maciej Trusiak Warsaw University of Technology



This study presents a correction method in Lensless Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy accounting for tilted illumination to address challenges caused by misalignments in the optical setup. An autofocusing method is discussed, utilizing a sharpness criterion based on amplitude variance to find both propagation distance and illumination tilt for precise holographic reconstruction of phase objects. The proposed algorithm was rigorously tested under large illumination angles, demonstrating its effectiveness in maintaining high reconstruction quality for demanding imaging scenarios.

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How to Cite

J. Dudek, M. Rogalski, J. Winnik, P. Arcab, P. Zdańkowski, and M. Trusiak, “Autofocusing method for lensless digital in-line holographic microscopy with misaligned illumination”, Photonics Lett. Pol., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 79–81, Dec. 2024.


