PSP Annual Meeting & Photonics Job Fair & IDL-2024
Friday, 24th May 2024
Warsaw University of Technology, Physics Building,
75 Koszykowa St, Warsaw 00-662
Preliminary Program
1000 |
Opening of the International Photonics Job Fair 2024 |
1045 |
Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members)(I term) |
Auditorium |
1100 |
Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members)(II term) |
1200 |
Opening ceremony of the International Photonics Job Fair (for all participants)
1215 |
Presentation of the book "FOTONIKA-Techniczne zastosowania światła-INFOGRAFIKI" published by PSP in cooperation with Spectaris (Berlin) |
1230 |
Company presentations
1400 |
Networking Lunch (for all participants) |
1600 |
Closing of the International Photonics Job Fair |
Exhibitors at the Photonics Job Fair:
- Vigo Photonics
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki
- Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN
- IPG Photonics
- Corning
- Fluence
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - PORT (Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii)
- Photin
- Sygnis
- OpTecBB
- Solaris Optics

The best Science Club in 2023 - Competition
Competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics / student branch of SPIE / OSA / IEEE (PL only)
Konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe w obszarze Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne ogłasza konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE w roku 2023.
Wnioski prosimy przesyłać na adres: do 01.04.2024 r.
Wniosek i formularz znajdują się w załącznikach.
15th Anniversary Jubilee Symposium of the Photonics Society of Poland co-located with International Photonics Job Fair & IDL-2023
Friday, 12th May 2023
Warsaw University of Technology, Physics Building,
75 Koszykowa St, Warsaw 00-662
Final Program
845 |
Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members) |
Auditorium |
1000 |
Anniversary PSP Symposium (for all participants) |
1000 |
Symposium Opening - Tomasz R. Woliński (PSP President) |
Auditorium |
1015 |
Prof. Bernard KRESS (SPIE President, Director, XR Hardware, Google Mountain view, CA USA)
1045 |
Prof. Ulrike WOGGON (OPTICA Director, TU Berlin) “Lighting our future - The Impact of Optics and Photonics on a Global Economy” |
1115 |
Dr. Claus ROLL (OPTICA Director, Europe) “Optica in Europe, exploring collaborations for the sake of its community and partners” |
1200 |
Awards Ceremony and Opening of the International Photonics Job Fair (for all participants)
1230 |
Competition for the best International Photonics Job Fair Company presentation |
1400 |
Networking Lunch (for all participants) |
1600 |
Closing of the International Photonics Job Fair |
Exhibitors at the Photonics Job Fair:
- Vigo Photonics
- Łukasiewicz - Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki
- Seargin
- Fluence
- Sygnis
- Ensemble3
- SHM System
- Signify
- OpTecBB
Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland program is in attached pdf file (only in polish)
The best Science Club - Competition
Competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics / student branch of SPIE / OSA / IEEE (PL only)
Konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe w obszarze Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne ogłasza konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE w roku 2022.
W konkursie rywalizować mogą Koła Naukowe lub oddziały studenckie (SPIE/OSA/IEEE) działające przy polskich uczelniach w obszarze optyki i fotoniki.
Wyróżnione Koło Nuakowe uzyska tytuł "Najlepsze Koło Naukowe roku 2022", dyplom oraz nagrodę pienieżną.
Wnioski prosimy przesyłać na adres: do 15-03-2023.
Szablon wniosku i regulamin znajdują się w załącznikach poniżej.
Day of Photonics 2022
Day of Photonics 2022 meeting is held on Friday 21-10-2022.
1. Int. Day of Photonics
2. PSP finances
3. Information on activities in the field of photonics (PKOpto, PPTF, PhotonHub, IDUB-PW)
4. Conferences organized by PSP members in 2022/23
5. XV PSP anniversary (2023), Int. PSP Conference (SPIE, OPTICA, OSK....), Photonics Job Fair
6. PLP issues plan
7. Member affairs & other
Day of Photonics at ICTER International Centre for Translational Eye Research
Tomasz Woliński - Senior Member of Optica
Optica announced Senior Members for 2022, Tomasz Woliński is one of them ! A total of 170 Optica members have received the distinction of Senior Member, which recognizes their experience and professional accomplishment within the field of optics and photonics.
More information here
Advanced Photonics receives high IF & CS !
Advanced Photonics, published by SPIE and Chinese Laser Press, announces its first-ever Impact Factor and CiteScore rankings, both exceeding 13.
The journal's initial Impact Factor is 13.58, ranking it 5 out of 101 journals in Journal Citation Reports' (JCR) Optics category. The journal also received a CiteScore of 13.8, ranking it 12 out of 205 journals in the Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics category in the Scopus database.
Award for best master's thesis in optics and photonics
Polish Physical Society will give annually an award for "the best master's thesis in the field of optics and photonics".
[PL] Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne będzie przyznawało coroczną nagrodę za „Najlepszą pracę magisterską w zakresie optyki i fotoniki”.
More info here.