Analysis of the Talbot effect in apodized diffractive optical elements


  • Tomasz Osuch National Institute of Telecommunications
  • Zbigniew Jaroszewicz Institute of Applied Optics, National Institute of Telecommunications



This paper shows numerical results of the Talbot effect appearing behind an apodized phase mask. The field distributions in the self-image plane as well as in other characteristic planes are examined drawing on scalar diffraction theory and modified convolution approach. Simulation results show interesting properties of field distributions behind diffractive optical element with variable phase step height. The novelty of the article lies in examination of the self-image phenomenon in fibre Bragg gratings fabrication.

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How to Cite

T. Osuch and Z. Jaroszewicz, “Analysis of the Talbot effect in apodized diffractive optical elements”, Photonics Lett. Pol., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. pp. 190–192, Dec. 2009.


