Influence of the synthesis route on optical and luminescence properties of glass-ceramic doped with europium ions


  • Piotr Golonko Białystok University of Technology



The production of transparent glass-ceramic materials often faces challenges, such as inhomogeneities, inclusions, uncontrolled crystallization and other defects that make glass ceramics unsuitable for fiber optics, for example. At the same time, the chosen chemical composition is valuable for its unique properties. The present study investigated the effect of different methods of synthesizing glass-ceramic silica-germanium-antimony matrices on their transmittance optimization and luminescence properties where the conventional melt-quenching route is insufficient in terms of the transparency and homogeneity of the material obtained. The effect of heat treatment on the studied properties was also considered.

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How to Cite

P. Golonko, “Influence of the synthesis route on optical and luminescence properties of glass-ceramic doped with europium ions”, Photonics Lett. Pol., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 46–48, Oct. 2024.


